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Tag Archives: tires

The difference between shocks and struts, and when do we need to replace them?

The difference between shocks and struts, and when do we need to replace them?

Shocks and struts: putting an end to all the confusion once and for all. The smooth feel of the vehicle is due in large part to two integral components: shock absorbers and struts. However, while both shocks and struts are integral to the safety and comfort of the vehicle, they are in fact two distinct parts What are shocks?As far as shocks, also referred to as the shock absorbers, are a key component of the suspension system. They control the impact and rebound movement of your vehicle’s springs and suspension, they ensure that the vehicle’s tires remain in contact with the road surface at all times .ultimately, they absorb energy. Without shocks, the wheels on the car or truck will actually bounce off of the road surface, and vibrate erratically down rough roads. The key components of the shock absorber are a piston, a coil, and hydra ... read more



All you need to know about Wheel Alignment

All you need to know about Wheel Alignment

  Wheel Alignment   What is Wheel Alignment? It is a maintenance necessary to be performed at regular intervals: once every 20k to 30k miles in order to keep your vehicle running safely and reliably. By aligning your vehicle’s wheels, you are adjusting the main angle of your tires to ensure the car is tracking straight. Proper wheel alignment makes the vehicle steer easily and allows tires to wear evenly. How can I tell that I need wheel alignment? Common to all cars, the vehicle’s steering and suspension get damaged overtime due to some road abuse, such as going over pot holes, hitting the curb or driving over speed bumps. The latter will cause the tires to get nudged out of alignment, which will affect the drivability of the vehicle. If your steering wheel is off center but your car is driving straight or alternatively, if the steering wheel is centered but the car isn’t driving straight then you need to get your wheel ... read more

